Savings Rates

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Share Account Rates as January 27, 2025
Share Type Minimum Deposit* Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY)***
Share Savings $25 0.10% 0.10%
Christmas Club 
First $1000 Balance
Portion of Balance in excess of $1000


See Example Below+
Easy Checking N/A 0.00% 0.00%
Classic Checking $200 0.10% 0.10%
Money Market Account $2,500 0.25% 0.26%
Rate may change after the account is opened and is subject to change. Funds earn dividends from the first business day of deposit and are compounded daily and posted monthly. Accrued dividends are forfeited if account is closed prior to monthly dividend posting. Fees or other conditions may reduce earnings on these accounts.

+ Christmas Club Disclosure - A dividend rate of 5.00% will be paid on the balance in your account up to the first $1000.00. A dividend rate of 0.10% will be paid on the portion of your balance in your account that exceeds $1000.00. For example, a balance between $1000-$2000 would earn between 5.116%-2.551% APY.
Share Certificate & Rates** as of January 27, 2025
Share Type Minimum Deposit* Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY)***

6 Months $500 4.00% 4.04%
12 Months
$500 4.00% 4.08%
18 months
24 Months
30 Months
$500 3.25% 3.29%
36 Months
$500 3.00% 3.04%
48 Months
$500 2.50% 2.53%
60 Months
$500 2.00% 2.02%

***APY - Annual Percentage Yield. Assumes that all funds, including dividends, remain on deposit for 365 days.

**Penalty for early withdrawal. All rates are subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings on an account. Minimum balance $500.00.

*Maintain this minimum average daily balance to earn disclosed annual percentage yield.